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Shopify Migration Made Easy: How to Export Your WooCommerce Products

Shopify has established itself as an eCommerce market leader by providing advanced, easy-to-use, and scalable solutions for online stores. C...

Shopify Migration Made Easy: How to Export Your WooCommerce Products

Shopify has established itself as an eCommerce market leader by providing advanced, easy-to-use, and scalable solutions for online stores. Consequently, most businesses nowadays are switching from WooCommerce to Shopify to enjoy its more advanced features and a better user experience. 

Although the idea of moving an entire online store may appear very difficult, this blog aims to break down the process which focuses on exporting your WooCommerce products to Shopify. Moreover, utilizing WooCommerce to Shopify migration services not only helps to simplify the transition but also guarantees a smooth and effective migration.

Step-by-step guide to exporting WooCommerce products

Step-by-step guide to exporting WooCommerce products
Shopify has 2.1 million daily active users on average. Switching from WooCommerce to Shopify is a major step in harnessing Shopify's powerful eCommerce ecosystem. 

Below is a comprehensive guide on how to export products from WooCommerce. It is designed to help you go through the process with ease.

Step 1: Backup your WooCommerce store

Before commencing any migration processes, it is essential to backup your WooCommerce store. This saves you from the risk of potential loss of your data. 

You may use a plugin or your hosting provider's backup feature to create a complete backup of your website, consisting of products, customer data and site configurations. This step gives an assurance that the original data is secure even if the migration fails to achieve the intended results.

Step 2: Use the built-in export feature in WooCommerce

Use the built-in export feature in WooCommerce

WooCommerce is shipped with an in-built export tool which can be accessed from the WordPress dashboard. Go to WooCommerce > Products and click on the 'Export' button on the top

This feature enables you to export all product details into a CSV file. You have the option to select which columns to be included in the export file, customizing the file depending on Shopify's specifications. 

Step 3: Make your CSV file Shopify-ready

The next step of the process after exporting your products from WooCommerce is to prepare your CSV file for Shopify. Shopify has particular specifications for CSV files to guarantee hassle-free import. 

Review the exported CSV file and adjust the column labels to Shopify's format, such as changing 'Categories' to 'Tags' and ensuring that image URLs are included. This step could need some manual editing to make sure that the data is conforming to Shopify’s import tool specifications.

Step 4: Import products to Shopify

With your CSV file ready, go to your Shopify admin panel. Go to ‘Products’ then click on ‘Import’. Shopify enables you to upload the CSV file directly. 

Once uploaded, Shopify will offer a preview for the imported products and will highlight any problems that need to be fixed. This step is necessary as it transitions your product data into the Shopify platform and makes it available for customization and sale.

Step 5: Review and customize products in Shopify

Once your products are imported to Shopify, inspect each product listing carefully. Even though the import tool is excellent at what it does, there might be some details or nuances that need corrections. This is the time to improve product descriptions, tags and images so that they reflect your brand image.

Step 6: Set up redirects for SEO preservation

Maintaining your SEO rankings and having a seamless customer experience necessitate the use of redirects from your old WooCommerce product URLs to the new Shopify URLs. It prevents 404 errors, keeping the user experience and SEO value in place. 

Shopify has tools where one can create redirects in bulk, which makes the process faster. The correct setup of redirects is a very important step of the migration process, as it allows your customers and search engines to easily find your products on your new platform.

Step 7: Do a final review

Before you launch your new Shopify store, do a thorough audit. This includes testing the checkout process, reviewing product pages for mistakes, and confirming that all redirects are working. 

It’s also suggested to place test orders to check whether payment processing and order fulfillment workflows are functioning normally. This final review is like a safety check before the launch to make sure everything is set up correctly.


WooCommerce to Shopify migration can provide your online store with new opportunities. While the migration process requires accurate planning and implementation, following the guide steps can help achieve a successful transition. 

Furthermore, the collaboration with CartCoders, a professional WooCommerce to Shopify migration company, can reduce the technical burden. This makes it possible for you to use their experience for a successful migration. By adopting the right strategy and methods, your transition to Shopify can be the beginning of your eCommerce business's success in 2024 and even beyond.

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