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How To Hire Shopify Experts: What You All Need To Know

  It is possible to have your Shopify store customized by a Shopify developer and add sales features not provided in the default Shopify pac...


How To Hire Shopify Experts: What You All Need To Know

It is possible to have your Shopify store customized by a Shopify developer and add sales features not provided in the default Shopify package. To increase your web sales, you should go for a Shopify developer. 

Nevertheless, you must engage a Shopify expert to ensure your online store is user-friendly and bug-free. By not doing this, you may end up with someone who does not know what they are doing, and as a result, you are left with an ineffective website littered with problems.

In the worst-case scenario, those issues can cause the site to be down or inaccessible. This means that your business will lose a lot of money during these periods, so it is essential for you to make sure that the person you select has all the necessary skills.

This guide will show you how to Hire Shopify Developers and where to find the best developers.

What You Need To Know Before Hiring A Shopify Developer

What You Need To Know Before Hiring A Shopify Developer

Below are some things you should think about before hiring Shopify developers. 

Do you need a developer for a Shopify store?

First of all, do you even need a Shopify developer? The answer depends on your store's look and whether there are built-in sales features in it. (Is the sales feature you seek already part of what Shopify provides standardly?)

Through Shopify's tools, anyone can develop a simple storefront without code. You can select a ready-made theme and make minor modifications that suit your brand.

Nevertheless, if your company wants a custom theme that differentiates it from others, consider hiring skilled developers from Shopify. This kind of theme will assist your store to attract customers and make their online shopping experience unforgettable.

Additionally, if there are sales tools that Shopify does not already provide, then you might need to Hire Shopify Developers. For instance, when integrating your Shopify store with custom inventory management systems, building this integration requires the involvement of a developer. On top of that, developers can help design custom apps, such as one that uses customer data to generate product recommendations.

Do you need a full-time or freelance developer? 

Do you need a full-time or freelance developer?

Employing a full-time Shopify developer would be reasonable if your online store is highly developed. The advantage of having a developer as part of your staff is the ease with which you can change your storefront as your business needs change. A full-time developer can also play a bigger role in the design of your site and work on sales.

However, hiring a contract developer may be better if you only want small modifications to an existing theme or code for just one integration. A contract developer may cost you less, considering that you would only pay for specific tasks rather than adding a salaried employee.

What compensation and benefits should you offer?

Offering an attractive compensation plan will attract top Shopify developers. On average, Shopify developers in the US earn $50/hour (CloudDevs). However, annual salaries differ from one state to another. Aim higher than this average to make your pay competitive among other employers.

Paid time off, health insurance, and retirement matches are some benefits that will increase the value of your compensation package. Remote or hybrid work arrangements are also important considerations for many Shopify developers.

Skills To Look For In A Shopify Developer

This is what you should look for when hiring Shopify developers. 

  • HTML and CSS proficiency: Since Shopify templates are coded in HTML and CSS3, the developer must be well-versed in these programming languages.
  • JavaScript experience: Developing dynamic elements on Shopify, such as themes and apps, may require JavaScript know-how.
  • UI/UX design: The Shopify experts must decide on the thematic elements affecting the consumer's experience in your store. Therefore, they should know about UX designs.
  • Clean coding: Developers are supposed to write reproducible, bug-free code and not just fix errors in your code. Mistakes in your script can result in site downtime, which means lost sales.
  • GitHub experience: Candidates should be able to use the GitHub version control system to manage their code and interact with other developers.
  • Collaboration: Besides working with UI/UX designers, they will collaborate with sales managers and marketers, among others, who work within your business. They need to have good teamwork skills.

Where To Find Skilled Shopify Developers

For the company to be able to attract skilled developers, your Shopify developer job description has to be advertised in places where developers hang out. Below are a few of the best places to advertise for a Shopify developer. 

Shopify Partners

Shopify hosts this online freelancer marketplace and allows businesses to hire professionals who can help with their stores. Posting your job description here can ensure you get applications from developers who have created Shopify themes and apps.

Online Job Boards

Online job boards like Indeed, Glassdoor, and ZipRecruiter typically have thousands of active Shopify developers searching for new jobs.


LinkedIn lets you search for Shopify developers and see their work experience. You can even send direct messages to the top, encouraging them to apply for your role. 


GitHub is the primary platform most Shopify developers use to publish their code. You may check examples of developer's work on GitHub and directly contact experienced coders to invite them to apply for your job.

Freelance marketplaces

Upwork and Freelancer, the freelance marketplaces, are the best places to advertise your job if you would rather have a contract developer instead of a permanent employee.

Social media

Your post can be seen by their friends, families, or followers, who may refer their friends to it. In addition, if you include proper hashtags in your posts, applicants can find the jobs you advertise. For instance, you can post your job in X (formerly Twitter) using hashtags like #shopifyjobs, #shopifydevelopers, and #shopifyexperts.

Hire Shopify Experts Now With CartCoders

Through this, an online shop owner gets someone who modifies their store and puts advanced features for selling goods and services to increase sales. Moreover, they help ensure a user-friendly Shopify store where customers will always love to shop.

The first step to hiring the best Shopify developer is asking yourself specific questions about your needs and requirements. Then, announce your role on platforms where expert developers would see it. Later on, when you have a pool of candidates, use CartCoders Shopify skills test to identify top talents quickly.

So, sign up for a free CartCoders account or schedule a product demo today to see how we can help you hire the best Shopify developer for your business.

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